Home / Technology + Solutions / Fin Tube Heat Exchanger
Fin Tube
Heat Exchanger
Built to provide the highest level of heat recovery at high pressure

Maximize Performance Under Pressure

Fin Tube Heat Exchangers amplify the technology available in traditional heat exchangers
Heat Recovery Innovations’ Fin Tube Heat Exchangers feature an increased heat transfer surface area that greatly improves performance while reducing size and cost of high temperature and pressure applications. Your project will benefit from increased performance from this compact solution.

Our Fin Tube design represents the latest technology in the tried-and-true Shell and Tube heat exchangers. HRI combines the rugged Shell and Tube design with the ultra-high-performance fin to create some of the most compact high pressure heat exchangers on the market. Suitable for gases and liquids, these counter flow heat exchangers are up to 75% smaller than common Shell and Tube exchangers.
Design Pressure | Design Temperature | Applications |
Up to 1000 psig | 69 barg | Up to 1700°F+ | 926 °C+ | Gas/Gas Heat Recovery Gas/Liquid Heat Recovery |
Advantages | Markets | |
Design Pressure |
Up to 1000 psig | 69 barg |
Design Temperature |
Up to 1700°F+ | 926 °C+ |
Applications |
Gas/Gas Heat Recovery Gas/Liquid Heat Recovery |
Advantages |
Markets |